The first week of the new church curriculum "Come Follow Me" starts on Monday. I'm so excited to share these free lesson helps with you. I've been contemplating how we are going to use it for our family, for my individual study, and also my primary class. Here's what I came up with for this week. I'm sure it will be a few weeks of trial and error as we figure out what actually works and doesn't work for us. For blogging purposes I'll be sharing my ideas for my family (my kids are 10 months-13) and ideas for jr. primary. If you have young kids I highly recommend looking up the primary lessons even if you do not teach primary! It is such a great resource. With the short class times it is very likely most of the activities will not be used in class, and even if the same activity is used repetition is great for learning :)
This first week's lesson plan is huge and I think a big reason for that is its more of an introduction to the year and not a specific group of scriptures. I have several activities included this week. Pick and choose what works for your family or your primary class. Also these are just supplements to the manuals so make sure you read through them. I'll try and reference if its from the primary or individual/family book.
On Going Family ideas:
For our family we decided to keep a journal for the year. I purchased cheap spiral notebooks for each person. We are going to use it as a place to glue or handouts, coloring pages, printables, answer questions, write questions and the answers we find, write references to favorite scriptures, thoughts and inspiration, etc. It will be something that is personal for each person. I've included printable covers for the notebooks-lots of options so print just the ones you want or decorate your own! (*printing tip-when printing a page with a lot of color use the draft setting. You will save a lot of ink and you don't loose much quality). Also a lot of the pages in the download are sized with this notebook in mind.

The second thing we decided to do is a scripture incentive jar. As a family we will have one jar. Every time a person participates in family scripture study or individual scripture study they can add one fuzzy to the jar. We are working towards filling the jar and once its filled will will have a special reward or treat. An alternative option is to have individual jars that they can fill with fuzzies or at the beginning of the month fill the jar with 30 pieces of candy (or how every many days are in the month). As they read their scriptures they get to eat 1 piece of candy for that day. I remember as a primary child visiting a ward that did this for their primary kids and I thought it was so cool. Being a visitor I didn't get one and was disappointed...still remember that day all those years ago haha. I also included a 5x7 printable of the quote in case you want to display it or add to your journal.
*The printable includes options to tape to the front of your jar and a circle to cut out for the lid.
Now lets get into this weeks lesson ideas for December 31-January 6 We are responsible for our own learning. Find the lesson here (
individuals and families) and here (
for primary). I am using some of the primary ideas for our family. Also I don't know think I will plan so much every week. It seems like there are so many topics in this lesson and my kids are out of school so we have a little extra time so I just kept going :)
The first page has questions from the lesson and a reference sheet where to find the section to study (these are a good reference if you aren't sure what section one of the activities below go with) My plan is to print this page and cut. During scripture study pick one of the questions and discuss. Use the manual for scriptures and quotes that coordinate with the question. (Some have activities and extra printables that you can find below)
What seek ye? print and glue in journal or display. Questions and answers can be glued on the inside cover of the notebook for easy access. Use to record any questions you may have and answers you receive as you study the scriptures this year.
The blank scripture card can be used to write a favorite scripture from your study this week (add to your journal). Another option is to take turns having a family member share a favorite scripture each week. Write the scripture on the card and display for the week. Keep all of them in a mini picture book or on a book ring. I am going to include a new card each week.

Next is the parable of the sower. (goes with the 1st activity under ideas for family scripture study and family home evening) I've included puppets for this parable. Fold in half and read the words as you show each one. After use the scripture reference on the bottom to find out the meaning. Mini coloring/journal pages. Give one to each person and have them answer the question in the space provided (draw or write). I also included just the words that can be cut and glued in your journal if you prefer to write directly in the notebook. I love the idea of driving around and looking for different types of soil (idea found in manual).
Poster to print, write on, and display (goes with the 2nd activity under ideas for family scripture study and family home evening)

Treasure hunt and on going scripture activity for home or primary. (Primary manual under I can study the scriptures for myself- combines activities #2&3) I included some gems and a clue card to create a treasure hunt for your class. Write 3 of your favorite scriptures from the New Testament on the front of the gems. Clues go on the back of 2 of the gems and the 1st clue goes on the clue card. Hide around the class or building (or house if doing at home). Print the Treasure chest poster and the page of gems (colored or black and white). Each week challenge your class to share a favorite scripture from home. Write the reference on one of the gems and glue to the poster. Over the year you will collect a special group of treasured scriptures. It may be a good idea to let the parents know what you are doing if you have a younger class so they can help their child prepare to share a scripture.

Primary book under Jesus wants me to follow him (combination of all activities in this section): Use the coloring page or goal page to write or draw the answer the question what can you do to follow the Savior this year. This would be a great New Years Eve activity.
I love the Come Follow me game idea. I created some action cards that you can let the kicks pick from or they can make up their own. I also included a fast and slow sign. Glue on a popcicle stick and switch the speed for more fun.
The Final activity: (primary and family manual) You might recognize this game from one of the previous primary lessons. If you still have it you are ready to go.
Prepare: Print one board (lamp) per person, (color, black and white , and 1/2 page option included), Print and cut the cards. Place the cards in a bag and mix them up. You will also need to bring something to cover the circles ex. m&ms, cereal, or even buttons.
To play pass out a lamp to each person. Take turn drawing a card. If it is a good action "add a drop of oil" to the lamp (cover one of the circles with the candy or item you brought). If the action is not good then no action is taken and move on the the next turn. Keep playing until everyone fills their lamps. These cards were made for the topic of preparing for the 2nd coming but they should work for building a testimony as well...if you don't think one fits pull it out. There are also blank cards so you can add your own.
For the older classes I included a couple of zap cards. If you draw this one then you have to clear your board! There are also a few blank ones in case you want to add some of your own.
I think that covers it! Pick and choose what works for you and if you have any questions please let me know! For primary I plan to use the treasure hunt, coloring page, and show the light the world movie clip. If time we will play the oil lamp or come follow me game. Hope that helps. Let me know if there is something you would like to see included in these posts or ideas you plan to use with your family, class, or individual study.
Adorable graphics from Melonheadz, DSart , Chirp Graphics,
Glitter Meets Glue,
Mather's Music,
Creating4 the Classroom,
and Fonts by Hello Literacy