*Originally Posted in 2020. Thanks for stopping by!
Hello and thank you for stopping by :) I am excited to share these fun and free Come Follow Me lesson helps that are perfect for families and primary. We are covering Alma 39-42 and will be discussing being an example, how repentance brings happiness, and a little about the Plan of Salvation. You will find the free download at the end of this post and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Here's a look at what's included this week:

Song dice that adds a new element of fun to the song "Do as I'm doing." This is perfect for kids that do not want to think of their own action when they are the leader.
A new mini book with journaling prompt at the end.
Teach your children about letting their light shine with this fun flashlight game played in the dark.
We are going to use a story from Elder Renlund to learn more about repentance and how it brings happiness.
Journal pages with space to write or draw.
We'll review the Plan of Salvation with this fun, interactive file folder activity and read the words of Alma on this topic.
I hope you find something that will work for your family or primary class this week. If you have any questions or trouble with the download please let me know.