Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Come Follow Me: Helaman 1-6

*Originally posted in 2020
I have a couple of ideas to share with you for Helamen 1-6.  I was busy with family last week and have been trying to catch up on everything since we've been back. Sorry I am just now getting this to you.  Hopefully it will be helpful.  These ideas are perfect for families or primary classes.  I always try to follow topics from the Come Follow Me primary manual.  In additional to the ideas in the download we are also going to use one of the ideas in the manual and build foundation out of a mixture of hard and soft supplies then use our wood blocks to build a house and compare the different foundations. In the download you will find journal pages, song helps, mini books, and our wise man and foolish man experiment.  I hope you have a great rest of the week and enjoy learning the gospel with your little ones :)  See you in a couple of days with next week's lesson helps!


  1. Thank you so much!! Love your helps!!

  2. The links are not working. It takes me to a place to build my own blog.

    1. Thank you for letting me know! They should be fixed now :)

  3. Just tried to print and it says I need a password to print it. Thank you so much for sharing your creative genius, my kids love it!

    1. So sorry I think I fixed it...crossing my fingers I did and it isn't a software update problem. Let me know!

  4. Nevermind, just tried again and it's working now!
