Sunday, January 19, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: D&C 2 & Joseph Smith-History 1:27-65

*Originally posted in 2021

 The days seem to be flying by this month!  Here are some fun lesson helps for Doctrine and Covenants 2 and Joseph Smith History 1:27-65. These are perfect for teaching in the home or for your primary class.  This week we are talking a little bit about the importance of family history and being sealed as well as Joseph Smith receiving the plates.  

Here are some additional ideas you may like for this week:

  1. You can find more ideas including a sequence story board for Joseph Smith receiving the plates in this post
  2. There is a family tree in this post.
  3. A cute FHE about family history and a temple match game found here.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Please let me know if you have any questions and you can find all of these fun and free printables in the download below! 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Come Follow Me: Joseph Smith History 1:1-26

*originally posted in 2021


I'm so excited to share these new free Come Follow Me lesson helps with you.  This week we are coving Joseph Smith History 1:1-26.  This week we are going to talk about the First Vision, prayer, and how our prayers can be answered through the scriptures.  You can find all of the fun activities in the download below.  

Download the free printables Here

For the topic of prayer we are doing a fun family night. Our family will be watching a video about Joseph Smith and making individual pizzas.  Why pizza you might ask?  We are going to compare prayer to ordering a pizza. I found this article a few years ago and loved this concept.  You wouldn't call a pizza place, say "I want a pizza," and hang up. You would give them detail such as what type of crust, toppings, how many pizzas, etc. What about when we pray? Do we just say a few things and then hop into bed and that's the end? Using this concept we are going to discuss the why its important to add details to our prayers, and then listening and acting when we receive an answer. And you can't talk about pizza without eating pizza :)

I've also posted some activities based on the First Vision in the past that would be perfect for this week.

This story sequence is one of my favorites.  You can find it in this post. You can find additional ideas in this post or use the search bar.

Download in German: Material hier herunterladen

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Come Follow Me: D&C 1

*Originally posted in 2021! I'll try to remember to move the new week to the top of my website so its easier to find and hopefully fill in any missing weeks I missed 4 years ago.

Happy New Years Eve and wishing you a wonderful New Year.  I am popping in quick with our first Come Follow Me lesson helps for the year!  I'm so excited to be studying the Doctrine and Covenants this year and look forward to spending the year learning with you.  This week we are covering section 1. We will be playing a fun game to learn a little about what it means to prepare.  As always please let me know if you have any questions.

Our German translations will continue this year thanks to a dear friend. I'm having a program glitch so I do not have a cover picture but you can find the German lesson helps below.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: 3 Nephi 12-16

*Originally posted in 2020
How is everyone holding up? This has been quite the week for me.  My oldest started online school and oh has it been a learning curve for us.  Trying to help her navigate the new online platform and catching up on two weeks worth of school work has been exhausting for both of us.  Throw in homeschooling, teaching preschool, helping my middle schooler, and all of the other everyday chores that need to be done. I was trying to figure out when I would be able to create the activities for this week when I realized I already have a ton of activities that are perfect for these chapters. When Christ came he taught the people the beatitudes, about being a light, praying, and so many other things he taught before.  I loved being able to study these teaching again.  

You can find tons of ideas for chapter 12 here including these two activities.

Ideas for Prayer, choosing the right even when no one is watching, and the wise man and foolish man can be found here.

I hope you will find something in these posts to help you teach your family this week.  I had a couple of ideas I was planning on doing and if time I will add to this post.  I hope you have a wonderful week :)

My sweet friend did translate some of the activities into German.  You can find them below.

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Help: 3 Nephi 8-11

*Originally posted in 2020

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.  I normally jump right to the lesson helps I created for Come Follow Me but today I wanted to share a few thoughts that came to me as I studied these chapters. Writing is not really a talent of mine but I hope the message I'm trying to share will come through.  This week as I read 3 Nephi 8-11 it seemed to take on a new meaning. The natural disasters, the fear, the chaos, even the anger and wickedness that happened before the destruction seemed all to familiar. The darkness that settled on them now seems all to real and more relatable. Then I read the next chapter. The Savior spoke to them, he came, he brought light, and peace.  He does this now.  He brings light and peace to our lives and hearts as we let him in.  As we learn of him and hear his words and as we follow his example that feeling of love, comfort, and joy can be felt even when things around us seem dark, out of our control and in some cases impossible. He is always there. 

I am so happy to have the chance to reread these chapters with my family this week and to study more about Christ's visit to the Nephites. We have one of the illustrated Book of Mormons and my daughter has been counting down the weeks for these chapters because one image is "the whole page!" It must be pretty special :)   

You can find the free lesson helps in the download below.  I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you so much for stopping by. 

 Download Here

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Come Follow Me: 3 Nephi 1-7

*Originally posted in 2020

Happy Sunday!  I hope you have had a wonderful week.  We've been busy and enjoying our long weekend.  Today we were able to attend our first fast and testimony meeting in a long time.  It was one of those things I didn't realize how much I missed it until it happened.  It was so good for me and now I need to figure out how to not cry every time someone speaks. Masks and crying are not a good combination haha.  Have you been able to go back to church yet?  I know its different in every area. Today I have some really fun and free Come Follow Me lesson helps for 3 Nephi 1-7.  We are going to be talking about the Nephites seeing the new star and being a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I hope there is something that works for your family or primary class.  

All of the instructions and free printables are in the download below.  If you have any questions or trouble with the download please let me know!  Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for stopping by!

 Download Here

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Apple Craft Freebie!

I love low prep activities that combine math, art, fine motor skills, and food into one fun and adorable project. I like to use cereal for my apples but below you will find a list of other ideas that can be used as apples. Your little ones will glue the apples on to their tree and then count the apples in their tree. Use this freebie in your preschool class or at home with you little one, they are going to love it!

You can also find it free in my Teacher's Pay Teacher's shop