*Originally posted in 2020
Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. We are in the middle of tax season (meaning my husband works all the time) and my 2 year has a stomach bug. So life is a little crazy over here :) But I am so excited to share these lesson helps with you! We are covering 2 Nephi 31-33 this week. These ideas are perfect for families or primary classes. This week I went with the topics found in the primary manual. I have found this helps my kids prepare for their upcoming primary lesson and helps them participate a little more.
Let's jump right in. Jesus Christ taught me how to return to Heavenly Father. 2 Nephi 31 This is a fun cut and paste activity that helps teach the Doctrine of Christ. You'll cut and glue in the correct box to discover the different steps along the path to returning to live with Heavenly Father again. This can be done as a group or individually. There is a boy and girl option. Also I did include color and black and white option.
This is also a great week to review the 4th Article of faith. Point out that these steps are very similar to the ones mentioned in 2 Nephi. The first activity is a number puzzle. You will need to cut out the green number 4 along the black lines. Then you can use the next page to build your puzzle. Each pieces has a picture that correlates to the 4 steps.

This activity has the same pictures but it can be used with playdough. You will want to laminate or place in a sheet protector. You can use the playdough to create the number 4. Then Make balls of playdough and place on each circle. As you say the Article of Faith you will smash the ball as you get to each matching picture.
This week we are also talking about baptism. It is one of the steps above :) I included a journal page where the kids can write some of their memories about their own baptism.

and a coloring page option. In the blank space they can draw a picture of themselves on their baptism day. For the little ones they can draw a way they are preparing or what they imagine their baptism day will be like.
In 2 Nephi 32:3 talks about feasting upon the words of Christ. I don't know about your kids but mine are super picky unless there is pizza involved. Suddenly they are starving. My plan is to make pizza with my kids and then do this activity. We'll talk about what it means to feast and compare that to feasting on the scriptures. Then we'll use this activity to discuss some of the things we can learn about when we feast on the words of Christ. To prepare print the page below and the page of pepperoni. Cut out the pepperoni and tape on the circles. To use take turns pulling off a pepperoni, identify the picture, and share something you have learned about that topic studying the scriptures.(*pictures include: temple, sacrament, prayer, commandments, Holy Ghost, Savior's example, repentance, and kindness/love one another)
That's all I have for this week. I did want to mention that there are so many topics in this week's lesson that we have already covered. Use the search bar and it will take you to some of the past lessons. I know there are several on the Holy Ghost, baptism, and the sacrament. As always thank you for stopping by and let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you! I'm the first counselor in Primary and there's nothing like getting a text an hour before church that two teachers are unable to make it...turning to your site is the first thing I thought of. I know I'll find the perfect lesson, activity, and ideas to keep them busy. I so appreciate you sharing your talent!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all these downloads and printables you prepare! They are so cute and are a great way to help reinforce the gospel principles we are trying to teach! Thank you, thank you!!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate your lesson helps. The kids had a great time removing the pepperonis from the pizza and cutting out the pieces for the doctrine of Christ path. They got to glue them down and then take them home to color. Thank you for taking the time to put these together!