Thursday, May 24, 2018

Summer Schedule

I can't believe summer break is just around the corner!  I think I'm just as excited as my kids this year (hurray to being less busy!). However if your kids are like mine the excitement wears off after a day or two (for one I swear its like 30 minutes) then the tv if turned on for countless hours, the fighting starts, and the "I'm bored" comments happen.  
I've noticed if I have a plan and some structure to our day we seem to avoid many of those problems and in the process we make some pretty great memories. A few years a go we started using a schedule to pick a fun activity daily.  It makes planning so much easier and my kids know what to expect and enjoy helping plan.  This year with a new baby I decided to change Tuesday to "try it" instead of "traveling."   You can find that schedule here if it fits your families needs better.

On Monday we will be choosing a craft from one of our many pinterest boards, free art, legos, etc. 
Tuesday we try something new...a game, a park, a book, a new skill, etc. 
Wednesday will be the day to try some new treats or have the kids help with a meal.
Thursday we will have fun learning! Some ideas are a read-a-thon, research projects, science experiments, and math games.  I'm really hoping to do an around the world theme.
Friday is basically a free day.  There will be lots of water play, card/board games, movie nights, play dates or whatever the kids want to do.

I have mine laminated so we can write directly on it with white board or chalk markers.  Don't have a laminator...sheet protectors also work.

Other Posts to help plan your summer

Monthly Holiday Calendars (new ones posted each month)

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