Saturday, February 15, 2014

My body is created in God's image Sharing Time

 This is for February week 3 but would be great for Family Night too..  You can find the outline here.  Click on any of the images and save to your computer.  You should then be able to print them.

I am going to start the same way as the outline.  I am going to have a few kids take turns holding a mirror and describe what they see  (eyes, ears, mouth, and so on). Explain that what they saw was an “image” of themselves.

Then have someone read Genesis 1:27.

Explain that God has eyes, ears, a mouth, and so on, and that is why we do too. We are created in his image

Put this sign on the board

I found this fun idea here. "Invite a child up front and stand behind them. Hold up one of the pictures below. The child up front will call on Primary friends who can give them a clue to help them guess whats one the the picture behind them.  once they figure out the answer ask, “How does Heavenly Father want you to use or take care of this part of your body?”

M&M experiment (If you do this make sure you have enough for all the children.  Bring individual packs or let them take a few from the bowl on the way out)
1. Open bag of M&M's and put them in a bowl. Blindfold one child and then take one M&M out of the bag. Show everyone else in the family the color.
2. Hand it to the blindfolded child. let them eat it and have them guess which color it is.
3. Do this five different times, keeping track of how often they are right.
4. Switch players and repeat if time.
5. Talk about the colors on the outside of the M&M made no difference to what was inside. They were all the same, even though the outsides were different. Just like we are all Heavenly Father's children regardless of what we look like.

Each of us is a child of god. We are created in heavenly fathers image. And yet each of us is different. Some have blue eyes, some green. Each face is unique. We act differently too. Some are good in sports others music. We all have special talents. (found here)

If time let children draw self portraits and write why they are special (or you can send it home with them). Use the handout below. 

I liked how Sofia's primary ideas ended her sharing time. "People are all created differently, but no matter what.... we can be who God wants us to be!! We were created in His image."

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