
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Come Follow Me: 1 Nephi 11-15

*originally posted in 2020

This week for Come Follow Me we are covering Nephi's Vision.  There are sooooo many topics to pick from and it was hard to narrow it down.  Hopefully, you will find something that works for your primary class or family.  All of the FREE printables will be in one download at the end of this post. Thanks for stopping by this week :)

We are going to use some of the ideas I shared last week to talk about the Tree of life and the iron rod.  You can find that post here.

During Nephi's vision he see many events in the Savior's life.  Use this cute spinner to help the kids remember some of the things Nephi saw. 
*UPDATE: I just added posters with scripture references for those that may not have real pictures or you want them to match the spinner.  Either way, this will help you know what the pictures on the spinner represent and where to find the scripture for it :)

We are also going to talk about the tree and how it represents the love of God.  He loves us so much that he sent his son, Jesus Christ to earth.  Jesus showed us how to live through his example and he died for us so that we can return to Heavenly Father one day.   On this coloring page, one side shows something Heavenly Father did to show love for us (sent Jesus) and in the blank spot they can draw a picture of a way that can show love to others.

This next activity goes with one of the ideas in the primary manual (about halfway down the page with the video clip). You may want to read their description of the activity for better instructions :)  you are going to cut out the Book of Mormon, Bible, and word strip. This works great on a chalk board or if you don't have one a piece of paper is great too!  Place the Bible in the center of the page.  Have every person draw a different line from the Bible to any spot around the edge of the page.  You should end up with several lines going in many different directions.  This illustrates that the Bible alone can be interpreted in many ways. Now erase the lines or flip over your paper.  place the bible on one side of the page and the Book of Mormon on the other.  Now draw a straight line that goes from one book to the other.  With these two witnesses, this shows there is only one way to interpret the gospel.  Add your word strip above.

Next, we are going to talk about "plain and precious truths" that were restored with the Book of Mormon. ( 1 Nephi 13:26–29, 35–36, 40) There are 2 pages are journal pages to write or draw some of the things you discuss.

You can use these cards as a match game to help your discussion. print two for a match game or print one set and hide them around the room.

I also included a quote from President Nelson.

As always if you have any questions or trouble with the download please don't hesitate to ask :)


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for your ideas! I use them every lesson! It's not a big deal, but just so you're aware, the intro/title page in your download belongs to another of your lessons. :)

    1. Oh I forgot to update that! Thanks for letting me know. I'll fix it in the morning :)

  2. This is such a huge help and has been such a breath of fresh air! Words can't thank you enough for your hard work and dedication :)

    1. You are so very welcome:) Thank you for your sweet comment.

  3. Thank you so much for all of these free printables!! I have used them for teaching my primary class at least twice already this month. They are so helpful and cute! Thank you Thank Your!!

    1. Thank you and i'm so happy you are able to use them!

  4. I can’t tell you what an inspiration you are to me! I commented before how I made folders or each child in my class. Well I’m proud to say that out of 8 children every single child has remembered to bring their folders. The folders are all filled with your wonderful gifts. For example: I used your ways we can hold on to the iron rod. I used your board game but sized it to fit one page. Then I printed out the little circles, laminated both pages, cut out the circles and put velcro to attach them. (They were so cute! Especially, the picture of the Prophet), Then I followed your instructions and used yarn as the “rod” and as we went over the ways to stay strong I had put up all the examples. It worked out perfectly. (Is there a way to send you a picture? Because it was that great).
    Also, the kids went crazy for the wheel showing Nephi’s vision of Christ’s Life.
    All of this happiness and joy while learning about the Book of Mormon is because of your talent and willingness to share.
    Thank you once again!
    P.S. Remember the talk you recommended by Boyd K. Packer? I loved it so much that I challenged my students to have their families read it during their family study. I said if they did I would bring a special treat the next week! 4 of my kids DID IT! Two of the parents thank me this Sunday, saying it really help their family have a deeper understanding of LEHI’S Vision! Luckily, I remembered to bring an assortment of full-sized candy bars. Because if a 8 year old an remember that and make their family’s testimony stronger... they deserve the world.
    Once again, Thank you for putting in the link to that talk and making it all possible.

    1. Oh wow this this is so wonderful. I love that you are making these for your class and how amazing that they are remembering to bring them and share them with their families. Its a pretty special thing you are doing for them. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. It seriously brought happy tears to my eyes and so happy I can be a little part of helping them learn the gospel. Also I would love for you to share any of it with me any time! You can email me at or sent it to me on facebook. I really look forward that :)

    2. I would love to share some pictures of the binders! When you receive them tell me what you think. You’re wonderful!

  5. Thank you so much! This is really helpful!

  6. Thank you so much for posting! I appreciate your free printables so much! They help so very much for my primary class!

    1. You are welcome :) Thank you for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment.
