
Thursday, October 18, 2018

I will Remember Jesus Christ During the Sacrament (Primary 2 Lesson 38)

I just finished the rest of this lesson (I posted some of it last week but ran out of time due to family in town). Here are some fun lesson helps for lesson 38 (I will remember Jesus Christ during the sacrament).

Scripture Story and discussion.  Cut apart and as you read the scriptures at the end you can use these as a visual.  You can also fold or cover up the words and ask your class if they know what each represents before you show them the words.

Scripture: Here's a fun match game I made for on of our family home evenings.  The instructions and download are in the post.

Story: Have the children draw a picture of their favorite story about the Savior.  Let them come to the front of the class and share their picture as well as the story.

Discussion:  Print out the Question page and print and cut the circles on the next page.  Place the circles in a bag and have the children take turns drawing them.  After ask if they have any ideas and write them on your page.

Activity:Print and cut out the cards.  Take turns picking a card and decide if its something we should or should not think or do during the sacrament.  You can use the idea in the manual and have them stand or sit, or do thumbs up or thumbs down, smile or frown, or use the happy and sad face from last weeks lesson.

Enrichment activity #1:  Here's a cute mini coloring book with the lyrics to the song.  Print one for each child.  If you have an older class they can cut and staple the books together during class.  For younger classes I would have it ready ahead of time.  Cut the pages apart and bind either with staples or  hole punch the top corner and bind with a book ring or ribbon.  If you are like me and have a few kids that are not real interested in making one for themselves (this could also read as a couple of 8 year old boys that have no interest in any of my coloring activities haha)  encourage them to make on for their younger siblings. My hope is that they will bring this little book to church with them and look through it during Sacrament meeting.
(Update: the link is now fixed.  I'm so sorry to those that needed the mini book sooner! If there is ever a problem with one of the downloads please don't hesitate to let me know.)

Enrichment Activity #3: Print and cut into 5 puzzle pieces. Make sure you have one question per puzzle piece.  Place pieces on the table or hide around the room.  Answer the questions and put the puzzle together.  (B&W version also included)

Enrichment Activity #4 A cute visual to go with the activity.  Say together and ask the questions in the manual.

Print the downloads  Here and here and match game here

Adorable graphics from MelonheadzMather's Music, Krista Wallden - Creative Clips Graphics From the Pond Party Printables, P4 Clips Trioriginals , and  fonts by Hello Literacy


  1. I love your site and use your helps every week! Just looking for the download for the mini book, and couldn’t get it to work. Thanks for all you do!!

    1. I am so sorry the link wasn't working. My internet has been down for days and I just realized last night when I pulled up my file I forgot to include it. Thank you so much for your patients and kind comment I'm so happy you are able to use these lesson helps:)
