
Monday, October 16, 2023

Come Follow Me: 1 & 2 Thessalonians

UPDATE: (10/16/2023)
I just added some additional activities for this week's Come Follow Me lesson to help you teach 1 & 2 Thessalonians. I hope you find something that works for you.

*(scoll to the bottom for a bonus file-cute idea came from a reader)

Below is my previous post from 4 years ago. I debated if I should delete it with this update but ultimatley decided to leave it. So much of it still rings true and I still need the remider of this message. I'm a work in progress and will continue to be :) For those that were here for the first time, thank you for sticking with me and my imperfect ways. And thank you new and old for taking a few minutes of your day to stop by.

Thank you all for you kind words last week.  It was an unintended break but much needed :)  I need to be honest with all of you.  These last few months I have been struggling a lot with stress and trying to keep up with everything.  I have 5 young and busy kids, teach preschool a couple times a week, and try to keep up with this blog (not to mention all of the other household and church responsibilities).  I'm telling you this because something needed to change.  I had been praying for help and my answer came during General Conference. I need to simplify, even though many things are good I need to focus more on what is better or best and finally President Nelson's talk "examine your life meticulously and regularly. As you do so, the Holy Ghost will prompt you about what is no longer needful, what is no longer worthy of your time and energy...As you shift your focus away from worldly distractions, some things that seem important to you now will recede in priority. You will need to say no to some things, even though they may seem harmless. As you embark upon and continue this lifelong process of consecrating your life to the Lord, the changes in your perspective, feelings, and spiritual strength will amaze you!"  Since then I have been making many changes and shifting my priorities.  One of the big things that I have decided to adjust is the way I will be sharing my Come Follow Me activities.  While I do believe sharing is so good (and I love it so much) it is taking a lot of time away from things that are better for me and my family.  Don't worry I am not going away :)  I will still be sharing each week but in a much different way.  Instead of trying to cover everything and provide a ton of options I will now be offering one option. It will be more of an FHE post that can certainly be adapted for primary as well.  I'll be using the primary manual to pick the topic.  I think this will help my own children be more prepared for their Sunday lessons and help out our primary teachers that stop by.  I was just released from primary and know that it can be hard to teach many of these lessons so I will make sure it is something you can use as well.  I was called to nursery (yeah!) so I may be sharing some of my lesson ideas for the tiny ones :) So if you have nursery age kids or teach watch for that. One thing I really love about Come Follow Me is that it is open for us to pick the topic that works be for our family or class.  There is not a set topic or guide.  So the topic I pick may not be one you need.  If this is the case use the search bar on my blog.  I have been sharing for over a year now and there is a good chance there is an activity on one of the topics you need.  I know that was a lot and a big change and I hope these post will still help you and your family or class.  I appreciate all of you so much for stopping by each week and I'm excited for this change.

That's all for this week.  Thank you for understanding the need for change and for stopping by.  If you have any questions for trouble with the download please let me know.
Download Free Printable Here

Edit: I had someone ask for printable items to put in the suitcase.  She is going to hide them around the room and have her kids share a way they can prepare for the second coming when they add it to the suitcase.  I thought that was so cute and that some of you may want a copy as well.  You can get those here.  It includes some clothing items and things like shampoo :)

Monday, October 9, 2023

Philippians & Colossians Come Follow Me Activities

I have some fun activities for you to use at home or in primary to go along with this week's Come Follow Me lesson. We are reading Philippians and Colossians. There are several activities that follow along with the primary manual. It's been a while since I've created these lesson helps and I'm a bit rusty so please let me know if you have any questions. I've missed all of you and I mentioned on Facebook that my youngest just went off to kindergarten this year and I'm hoping to spend some more time creating for you and be more present on social media. I'm excited for this new season and please let me know how I can help! 

You can find all of the activities and instructions in the download below!

 Download Here