
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Alma 22-29 ( June 29-July 5)

Hello!  I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  Here are the Come Follow Me lesson helps for Alma 22-29.  We are going to learn about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and feeling joy through service.  Here's a look at the activities included in the free download.

(also comes in black and white)

This goes along with my idea in the Ensign
If you have any questions or trouble with the download please don't hesitate to ask.  I am now using adobe to create these lesson helps.  If you are getting black boxes around the images I am so sorry-I have read that you need to make sure you are printing from Adobe to get rid of this problem.  If you have any questions I can try and help :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

4th of July Color Game Freebie

Today I have a fun 4th of July freebie for you!  We are working on color identification and this spin and cover 4th of July game is so much fun. With this game we are working on the colors red, white, and blue and sneaking in some fine motor skills too.  It's perfect for our 4th of July theme. It is quick to set up and I don't know many little ones that don't like to use a spinner :)  

You will need: 
(This post contains affiliate links. That means if you use my link, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. As always, thank you for your support.)
*a spinner: this one is pictured but I actually like these ones a little more.  You can also make your own with a pencil and paper clip.
*star stickers or favorite manipulative such as pom-poms or mini erasers

To play: spin and identify the color.  Look for an image with the matching color and cover with your manipulative.  Continue until all images are covered.

For additional 4th of July preschool activities you can find my themed pack here.  

There are tons of hands-on learning activities your little ones will love!  This 4th of July themed pack can be used with  toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners. The activities are easy to adapt to the child's skill level.  Here's a peek at what's included.  

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Come Follow Me: Alma 17-22 (June 22-28)

I hope you have had a wonderful week.  Today I have FREE Come Follow Me lesson helps for Alma 17-22.  This week we are learning about Ammon, missionary work, and service.  These Come Follow Me lessons are perfect for families and primary.  Instructions, links, and printables are all included in the free download at the end of this post.  Here's a look at what's included this week.

Match game that teaches how we can be an instrument to Heavenly Father by sharing the gospel.
The sons of Mosiah were mighty missionaries.  We are going to learn about a few things they did and how it can help our testimonies grow and become mighty too!

Fun activities that goes with the story of Ammon.

As always if you have any questions or trouble with the download please let me know :)  
*I recently switched programs and it seems like some of you are having trouble with a black box behind some of the pictures when you print.  If this happens to you I am so sorry!  I hate wasting ink and i'm sure you do too.  I have never had this happen to me personally (I think it's more common on macs) but I have heard if you download the document, exit out, and open in adobe reader (it is free) it should print correctly.   

Ich hoffe, ihr hattet eine wunderbare Woche. Heute gibt es Material für Alma 17-22. Diese Woche lernen wir über Ammon, Missionsarbeit und Dienen. Dieses Lektionsmaterial sind perfekt für den Unterricht in der Familie oder in der PV. Anleitungen, Links und Druckvorlagen findet ihr wie immer im Download.
Bei einigen Seiten gibt es noch eine Schwarz-Weiss-Version. Diese sind für malwütige Kinder gedacht, die die farbigen Seiten lieber selber ausmalen wollen.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Come Follow Me: Alma 13-16 (June 15-21)

Hello! I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday.  I am excited to share these new Come Follow Me lesson helps with you for Alma 13-16.  As always I try to follow the topics in the Primary manual.  This week we will be talking about the priesthood, following the prophet, and trials.  All of the instructions, links, and printables are included in the download.  I hope you find something that works for your family this week :)

Here's a look at this week's activities:

Here's is a brief story of Alma and Amulek in prison.  I just wrote to help those that may be wondering what I was thinking when I created the story sequence cards haha.  Download the story here. The story cards are in the original download above.

"Hallo! Ich hoffe, ihr hattet alle einen wundervollen Sonntag. Ich freu  mich sehr, das neue Material für die "Komm und folge mir nach!" Lektionen Alma 13- 16 mit euch zu teilen. Wie immer habe ich versucht, die Themen aus dem PV Leitfaden zu verwenden. Diese Woche sprechen wir über das Priestertum, dem Propheten folgen und Prüfungen. Alle Anleitungen, Links und Druckvorlagen findet ihr im Download. Ich hoffe, ihr findet etwas, was eurer Familie diese Woche Spass macht :)"

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Come Follow Me:Alma 8-12 (June 8-14)

 Hello and I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday.  Here are the FREE lesson helps for next week's Come Follow Me lesson.  We will be covering Alma 8-12 and discussing the topics of missionary work, friendship, and obedience.   All of the free printables and instructions are included in the download.  If you have any questions or trouble with the download please let me know...I am using a new program and I'm still learning how to do everything correctly :)

Here's a look at what's inside...I hope you find something that works for your family or primary class!

Download Here

I have some really exciting news!  I have been working with a very sweet person from Switzerland and we are excited to announce that we will now be offering these Free Come Follow Me lesson helps in German!   She has generously offered to translate the activities and share them with you.  I am deeply touched by her kindness and am so happy we can help more of you as you teach your families and primary classes the gospel.

Ich freue mich sehr, das Material zum Leitfaden "Komm und folge mir nach" nun auch in Deutsch anbieten zu können! Viele Eltern finden es schade, dass es meistens nur schöne Unterrichtsvorschläge auf englisch gibt. Hoffentlich kann ich so viele Eltern und PV Lehrer unterstützen. Bitte seid nachsichtig, die Uebersetzung ist sicherlich nicht immer fehlerfrei. Dazu kommt, dass die Uebersetzung in der Schweiz gemacht wird und dort gelten manchmal andere Rechtschreibregeln. Aber ich gebe mein Bestes! Viel Spass mit dem Material!

Material hier herunterladen

Monday, June 1, 2020

25 Fun and Quirky Holidays to Celebrate in June

Can you believe it is already June!  This year has been very different and I am still trying to wrap my head and heart around so many things. As time moves so quickly I hope this will be a time my children look back on and remember the good memories we are creating together.  One thing I struggle with is that the days seem to all blend together.  These holiday calendars have been so much fun for my kids.  We don't celebrate every day and the ones we do it's something simple.  They don't care what we do but really enjoy checking the calendar, helping me plan, and enjoy spending time together.

This month I found 25 fun holidays to include on our June Calendar.  Pick a few or all and have fun :)